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- Want to Know If She Likes You? Pay Attention to Her Voice
Want to Know If She Likes You? Pay Attention to Her Voice
Here’s what science says.

When it comes to recognizing when a woman is into you, most guys are clueless.
We miss the signals and then wonder why we’re still single.
Sometimes even this isn’t enough, that’s how dumb (or slow) we are.
The truth is, women are often way more subtle than we are, and we’re just too mindless to pick up on it.
But there’s good news. There’s a hack and it’s all in her voice. If you can learn to tune into the pitch of her voice, you might just figure out if she’s into you before she gets bored and moves on.
So, stop guessing and start listening. Here’s what you need to know.
The secret signals
In 2011, a group of researchers wanted to see if women unconsciously speak in a higher pitch when they’re talking to men they find more attractive.
Why? Previous research showed that men generally prefer higher-pitched voices in women, linking it to traits like femininity and even fertility.
Scientists rounded up 45 female undergraduate students — average age around 20 — and showed them two types of male faces: one more masculine and the other more feminine. Interestingly, these faces were digitally manipulated to exaggerate masculine and feminine features like this.

Which one looks more attractive to you?
The women were then asked to leave voicemail messages as if they were arranging a date with each of these guys.
The results?
Women shift to high-pitch mode. They raise their voice pitch when speaking to the type of man they find more attractive. Women who liked masculine faces spoke 6.7 Hz higher when talking to the masculine face compared to the feminine one. Those who liked the feminine ones, raised it by about 6.6 Hz.
This difference is subtle but noticeable. In musical terms, this would be like moving from an A note to an A# note. It’s not a huge leap, but it’s enough to be distinct.
It seems that women are tweaking their vocal pitch as a way to signal interest and attract the kind of mate they prefer. It’s subtle, yet powerful.
Alert! Don’t rush to judgments
Women’s voices change over the menstrual cycle, and it’s not just a random shift.
A study from the State University of New York showed that women’s voice pitch tends to rise when they’re at peak fertility. If it’s most pronounced during the fertile phase of their cycle this could have other implications.
If her pitch is higher, it could be a sign she’s at peak fertility, but it doesn’t automatically mean she’s attracted to you specifically. It’s more about her body sending out general signals, not targeted ones.
So, if you notice her voice rising, don’t jump to conclusions. She could just be in that phase of her cycle where her voice naturally changes.
How to know if she’s really into you
It’s not just about what she’s saying — it’s how she’s saying it.
That higher pitch she does is a subconscious signal, showing that she’s more engaged or attracted to you.
But if you can’t know for sure, here’s what you can do.
Get some intel from friends who know her. If she’s leaving voice messages on WhatsApp, ask a mutual friend who knows her well if they notice a change in her pitch when she’s talking to you versus others. Sometimes, an outside perspective can catch things you might miss.
Another way is to compare how she speaks to you in different settings — like in person versus over a call or in a group versus one-on-one. If you notice that her tone gets lighter or more animated when it’s just the two of you, that’s another sign she’s into you.
Test that high pitch at different moments throughout the month. If it’s consistent, she might be into you. If not, it could just be biology doing its thing.
Play it smart — timing is everything.
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